Terms and Conditions
This website (the "Web Site") belongs to and is provided by Chubb European Group SE ("Chubb"). Please read the terms and conditions below (which we may update at any time) and then come in and take a look around. By using the Web Site you agree to the terms and conditions set out.
Restriction on use
You must use this Web Site only to obtain information about or purchase products or services offered by Chubb through its establishments in the Ireland (which does not include Northern Ireland). Chubb does not represent that any product referred to in this Web Site is either available to you or complies with legal requirements in any other locations.
Trade marks, copyright and intellectual property
The copyright, database or other similar rights on this Web Site and its information and content, belong to Chubb. You may make hard copies of the information for your own personal or internal business use only, but you must not remove any trademark, copyright and other proprietary notices from any material you download. Otherwise, you may not reproduce, distribute or transmit to any other person, or incorporate in any way into any document or other material, the information and content of the Web Site without our prior written approval Except where provided or directed on the Web Site, you must not modify or reproduce or publicly display any material, or transfer it to anyone else unless they agree to accept and act in accordance with these terms and conditions.
Accuracy of the Web Site
Chubb does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or correctness of any information on the site. You agree that use of the site and its contents is entirely at your risk and 1. to the extent permitted by law, all warranties or conditions that would, but for the terms of this disclaimer, be implied by statute or otherwise, are excluded 2. Chubb will not be liable, under the terms of this disclaimer or otherwise, for any loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of contract or any other indirect or consequential loss you may suffer as a result of the use of any of the information contained in the Web Site.
Changes to the Web Site
Chubb may correct any errors or omissions or change the format or content of the site at any time and may terminate or suspend the operation of the site for any reason, without notice or liability. Routine maintenance, demand on systems and other circumstances may mean that this Web Site and the services provided on it may not always be available.
Products/services made available
The content and information provided by Chubb on this Web Site is not intended to be advice of any kind. A product or service shown on this Web Site may not necessarily be suitable for you - this is for you to decide (and if in doubt, you may wish to seek appropriate independent advice). Before purchasing a policy you confirm that
1. all answers given in your application are true and correct
2. you have read and understood the relevant policy terms and conditions and are satisfied the product meets your needs.
The information and statements you give, together with the policy terms and conditions, form the basis of the contract. If you do not provide true, correct and full information you may invalidate your insurance policy. All statements made by you or information you provide prior to purchase are your responsibility. Chubb is not bound to offer you insurance. Chubb makes every reasonable effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information about the products and services it provides. However, the information is subject to change without notice and you should always check the current terms and conditions of specific products and services.
Your right to cancel a policy
If you are not satisfied with a policy we will cancel it and refund in full any premiums you have paid, providing you ask us to cancel the policy within 14 days of purchase* and agree that the cancellation will mean that no cover under the Policy ever existed. (*without taking a holiday and using the cover under a travel policy, even if you do not make a claim)
Resolving issues
At Chubb we do our best to ensure that our customers are delighted with the service they receive. If you are dissatisfied we want to know and have a
procedure for resolving issues.
Third party sites
Chubb may provide (hypertext) links to web sites operated by other people or organisations. If you leave this Web Site to visit any linked site you do so at your own risk and agree that Chubb is not responsible or liable for the material contained in such web sites or any loss or damage you may incur through your use of the links. Chubb has no control over the information and content of the web sites of others and has not attempted to verify the accuracy of any information they contain. The incorporation of information about other people's products or services and links to other web sites does not mean that Chubb is giving advice about these products or services, or is in any way endorsing or recommending them.
Freedom from viruses/software quality
Chubb does not give any warranty that the Web Site and content are free from viruses or anything else with contaminating or destructive properties.
Data protection
Personal details provided to Chubb through the Web Site will only be used in accordance with our privacy policy. Please read this carefully. By providing personal details you are consenting to their use in accordance with our privacy policy. Chubb is registered on the Data Protection Register and complies with Data protection law.
Languages available for conclusion of the contract
Any insurance contract between you and Chubb can only be concluded in English.
Jurisdiction/governing law
These terms and conditions are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Law of Ireland. You agree that only the Irish Courts will have jurisdiction in any dispute arising from the use of the Web Site. If any provision in these terms and conditions is found to be unlawful, void or unenforceable for any other reason, that provision will be considered severable from the remaining provisions and will not affect their validity and enforceability.
Illegal activity
If you access or use any information on this Web Site and by doing so, you break any law, Chubb will not be responsible.
Changes to terms and conditions
These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice and at any time. Whilst visiting the Web Site you agree to be bound by the current terms and conditions and you should always check them each time you revisit the site.